Monday, December 15, 2008

Sales Incentives Management

Use an Online Solution to Simplify Management and Ensure Accuracy

For many companies, managing sales incentives is a time-consuming and arduous task. If a company is managing sales incentives with spreadsheets or a home-grown system, generating reports, tracking trends, and calculating commissions may be difficult and may be riddled with inaccuracies.

Centive's Compel takes the stress out of managing sales incentives. With Compel, managers access their sales incentives and commission data through an online interface. All data is stored securely off-site so no costly IT investments are required for set up. Through one centralized system, managers, sales reps and finance executives can easily run reports, watch sales trends and calculate commissions. Simplify management, save time and ensure accuracy with Compel.

To Learn More about Compel for Sales Incentives Management, Visit